Monday 5 December 2016

Globalisation and news

1) Is our news influenced by American cultural imperialism? Give some examples arguing for or against this perspective.

Our news can be influenced by American cultural imperialism. This would be because of big stories such as the Presidential Election in America. The argument for this would be that the content that would be distributed does involve some sense of globalisation that would reinforce the view of the global village. This would mainly be featured as one of the main examples as to how the news would be influenced by American cultural imperialism. 

2) Has the increased globalisation of news improved the audience experience? How? Why?

It can be argued that it has improved the audience experience since now audiences would be more informed about different countries and their cultures. As well as that there is also the benefit that it has made accessing the news more accessible which means that audiences could also look into more stories that may have different politics. Examples of this would be the different areas that are covered.

3) Has globalisation benefited or damaged major news institutions? How? Why?

It can be argued that it has damaged major news institutions. This would be because of how wide spread the stories would be. This would then mean that an audience wouldn't have to go to the source of the main article that would cover it and instead have it covered by other websites that would also look into it. And since this might damage their income then this would be financially harmful. This would result in the loss of journalists only to cut back on losses. It is mainly because of not willing to pay for the news that there isn't enough finance. This had then lead to the decline of quality in journalism since news stories would mainly rely on click-bait titles in the hopes that people are interested in the over dramatised and intriguing titles that would catch an audience's attention. As well as that there is also the different areas in which this would also look into it. As well as that there is also the other known areas in which this would also look into it. As well as that there is also the other known places that would also look into it. However there is also the different side to this. The other side could also suggest that globalisation has benefited news institutions. This would mainly be because of citizen journalism. With citizen journalism, institutions now have sources that can present the perspective of the bystander on the incident.

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