Friday 6 January 2017

NDM News: Globalisation and fake news

The Guardian & the global problem of fake news

1) The similarities that the counties had would be that it would involve politics in a negative light. This would mainly be because they would try and create these stories to try and make sure that their political aims would be met to ensure that the party that they support is at an advantage. Although there was also the running theme of Islamophobia that the fake stories would also have as they would tend to associate public figures with the Muslim Brotherhood.

2) In my opinion i think that the freedom that the internet does offer will end up welcoming more news that isn't verified since it isn't checked by an authority to make sure that they are reporting official or actual news stories. This risk would end up hurting whoever is in a negative light for the stories. Since people are more inclined to read what is in their political views then this means that the widespread of fake news is more likely to occur since people are likely to use these fake stories as a way to highlight something wrong with the party that they are against. This does end up sounding familiar with the "Cats and Iraq" statement since this also looks into how audiences are more likely to read about what is more in their favour or view. And seeing as to how this is widespread now, then this would further reinforce the statement.

New York Times and the creation of fake news

1) Some of the stories that Beqa Latsabidze had success with would be stories such as the the Mexican government announced they will close their borders to Americans in the event that Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. 

2) I do not believe that these 'big' institutions are to be blamed for any of these large atrocities of fake news flourishing. They are simply the network, they create a pathway for people to get the information, not to directly produce information and give it out. Ir is essentially a platform for us, to share our views and values. However, this 'freedom' has been exploited and rather it being the platform itself being blamed (which in this case is FB and Google), the blame should be on the users who use the option to share content but don't proof-read their work. There are so many users on both platforms that it will be difficult to monitorise each and every post made in order to check if they are all factually correct. I do believe that it is less of the institutions fault and is more of the users fault as they are the ones essentially who are creating this content and publishing it for the whole world to see.

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