Friday 18 November 2016

NDM: Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony

1) In my opinion i think that the hegemonic view on the Ian Tomlinson case would be that without citizen journalism, it would've reported that he had collapsed wit the police force trying to help with medics. However if it wasn't for new and digital media, the view point of the Police Force as a violent force wouldn't have been investigated. Since the footage took the perspective of the recorder, then this would've presented a new story that flips the perspective of the story to bring a negative light on the police. The fact that ther police statement was published as "news" would present that those with authority are seen as trustworthy sources since the police are generally seen as enforcing the law against those who don't follow. Following the law would be seen as common sense so those who would go against the police with the footage presenting a new light presents how hegemony can be disrupted. 

2) The writer argues that hegemony is being argued. However it isn't entirely being argued to the extent that the masses would understand what is common sense and what isn't. Although the internet can be considered a place where people can state their opinions, it has also become the place where it would feature opinions but to a good standard. This would be because of how the internet has shifted thew power so that people can then express their opinions. 

3) I believe that to this day, there is some form of hegemony seen across news papers, but it isn't as used, or seen often than it previously was. This was because before the digital age where consumers could have the voice and ability to challenge stories, they were passive readers. The news was something far more than information, it was a way of life. It was the only way to know what was actually happening on the other side of the world, and since there was no media platform to challenge this, readers grew passive and believed (consumed) every peace of news given to them

4) I believe that the media will find any possible event or news story to attempt to use hegemonic ideologies in their piece. This is because it is something that the whole world 'cares' about and that they will consume every piece of news to benefit their interest. Since demand for news stories such as the ones above were so big across the world, this gave the media the ability to try regain their power and influence amongst its audience. News stories by The Sun did this to a large extent where they shared their views on the US election showing who they believe to be better and focusing their entire article slamming the other candidate. Why?. Because they know how passive their audience members will be, and internet is of no power when it comes to stories such as this. Broadcast and newspapers are the ones that gain the most power during events like these. 

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