Friday 18 November 2016

The decline in newspapers: MM case studies

The New Day
1) The New Day was trying to get into a new market. In this case it had tried to be a lite version of The Daily Mail. 

2) It is stated that "about 6 million people but newspapers everyday. However it has decreased as another statistic that talks about the downfall of readers state that "Over 1 million people stopped buying newspapers in the past 2 years".

3) This newspaper would mainly target men and women aged 35-55 and it would look in to the modern approach to news.

4) In my opinion, I think that the main reason why The New Day had failed spectacularly would be because of its "bite size information". Considering that newspapers are known to be extensive upon its method of distributing the news, since The New Day was designed to be short. An example that was mentioned in the post was that the coverage for  The Panama Papers would be covered in two brief paragraphs that would total to less than 50 words. This could show that The New Day wasn't really known for its extensive research into their coverage.

The Guardian
1) Garnered over 120 million readers with a daily average of 9 million online readers on the month of June 2016. A third of the 9 million readers are from the UK. Although there is a "poor circulation" wit the print as that has only had 161,000. In comparison to The Telegraph which had 472,000. In 2015, The Guardian had lost around £70 million.

2) The Guardian had tried to reverse this loss by cutting back 20% and shelving of plans for the Midland Goods Shed which would've been used for community gatherings and public events. 

3) The global event that The Guardian had won awards for was their coverage of the Paris Attacks. 

4) In my opinion i think it would be enough for them to try and globalise The Guardian since it would be able to help them survive from the losses from the print version of The Guardian. As well as that there is also the option to try and make sure that they could rely on advertising. However advertising might be considered very intrusive and therefore it may not be a welcome addition to the globalisation.

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