Monday 20 March 2017

Collective identity

1) Who are you? - This section briefly introduces what the article would be about as it would look into how people would represent themselves.

I think, therefore I am - This looks into how in the past, people were socially constructed by certain aspects such as family, religion, class, gender. This also looks into how people were predetermined based on how they would be portrayed in the media as this would reflect themselves.

From citizen to consumer - This section discusses how adverts are used to try make their desires sold. This would then mean that they would be influenced to purchase the product considering that these adverts try and make the audience seem like their desires are being met. This would also look into fitting in and how these products would help with fulfilling that lifestyle. 

The rise of the individual - This part of the article discusses about the individual and how Lacan has talked about the "fragmented individual" in the sense that people represent themselves differently according to the environment. 

Branding and lifestyle - The product is a reflection of your personality 

Who will you be - Corporations creating products for the consumer to construct their identity

2) Sony - Entertainment that the products that they use are some of the things that i would reflect the type of identity that I would be with watching various dramas and using their products.

Nike - Their urban style of clothing is something that i would associate with considering that I would be considered a young teenager in the eyes of the public and their clothing would reflect that lifestyle.

Hasbro - This brand would associate withe the nostalgic element of my identity since they would include producing products like toys for the brands like the Transformers Franchise. As well as that it has also linked with my identity as it would also highlight my interests in the comic book movies.

Apple - This sense of creativity that they have placed upon themselves with the silhouettes being an element of these products being what they have created.

Microsoft - This will link to my identity since this will link to my interests in technology and their style of work since I would be a student. 

3) This statement of "Style over Substance" has been present in a majority of social media platform since they would mainly focus on their appearance online. It is something that I would disagree with since it would give a false image of who the person is and therefore means that they would need to keep this personality consistent as they would also be willing to make sure that their image is better than what they currently are which may mean that people will have a false impression of who you are.

4) Media saturation is the overload of many media texts and platforms all operating in the media market. Things like e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all add to this highly saturated media platform where there are simply way too many into this one e-media platform; the internet.

5) My online profile isn't entirely a true reflection as it doesn't display all aspects of my life. Since I'm choosing what to display on my social media, then this would mean that an audience will view a version of me that i have crated. This would be because when it comes to social media, people don't really share everything in their lives and so the dark and hidden things that only those close to me would known would mean that they would also have a better understanding who I am compared to who i'm presenting myself to be.

6) While this is considered as invasion of privacy as the user doesn't know what information is being used to understand preferences, this would be considered a benefit. This is because the information will be used to try and make sure that the user is being recommended items that are most relevant to them. 

However it can also be argued that this is a bad thing and this is the side that i would pick. This is because it uses the history of what the customer would've probably searched for before to try and make some informed decisions on what to promote. This would be considered invasion and so examples of how this would go wrong is when they would use the search history as a way for the customers to try and recommend what they think is suitable. 

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