Tuesday 21 March 2017

Identity and the wider media Factsheet

1) The Fact Sheets talks about identity with three statements with one that determines which one would relate to them. This would either be "who we think we are" which is based on interests and ideals that would shape who the user thins they are. "Who we want to be" would relate to the fact that people may use their social media to try and create a certain representation of themselves that they want viewed to the public to give a certain perspective on them. And finally "who we think other think we are". This would come from the perspectives element and it is something that people may want to manipulate with people trying to make sure that they see a certain version of them. 

2) Non-Mainstream - Doesn't typically use big brands or websites such as YouTube and may use alternates such as Vimeo.

Edgy - They may probably prefer to watch films with dark tones and stories. These tend to be rated R since these films would include the contents that will appeal to them.

Pleasure Seeker - This category will probably relate to someone that would probably watch a "feel good film" like Eddie the Eagle.

Fashionable - Would want to stay up to date in terms of trends.

Witty and Fun - This group would watch comedies due to the films that don't have a serious story.

Cutting Edge - Have an interest in new technologies and so would probably subscribe to a technology based newsletter or magazine.

3) An example that was listed in the fact sheet was The Jeremy Kyle Show and how it would demonise children with most if not some of the people in the show with children that appear to be very rebellious against their parents. So therefore those that would watch this show would have opinions on the youth in a negative perspective.

4) Hebdige argues that the youth have used this representation from the media as a form of identity. This would be seen as a way to go against current mainstreams and the negative views that they have towards the mainstream media. This would be because this construction of a bad image was formed from those that aren't of the youth.

5) David Gaunlett has also been mentioned. This theorist has stated that the media wold have control of the identity. They would use this to try and sell their products so therefore they could make anything the ideal picture or model so therefore those that are represented in the advert are seeing what is considered acceptable.

6) This can relate to the Ill Manors case study because of the theme of how the youth are represented. This would be because of the fact that that Ill Manors includes stories that relate to peer pressure and one of the characters being a young black teenager. This would still stereotype the idea that black people are associated to crime. This would then relate to Hebdige and how the media would construct stereotypes.

7) Gaunlett has talked about how the media would construct these stereotypes to reinforce the views of the mainstream media so those that are of an older audience may believe these representations and not see them as an exaggeration.

8) In my opinion I agree with what Hedbige has to say in terms of how the mainstream media have made negative representations of the youth. This is because of instances like the riots of 2011 where all those that had caused chaos then had worn urban clothing like hoodies and trainers which are mainly associated with the youth so then the media had used this to try and demonise the youth. In my opinion I think this is wrong because it shows a false representation of the youth which will drive an older audience into thinking this is real with reinforced ideas of the youth being branded as criminals or young people that don't understand how to be civilised.  

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