Friday 10 March 2017

Identities: applying feminism

1) The first type of feminism is radical feminism. This variation involves seeing men as exploiters and they would use men upon their benefit. Liberal Feminism are more along the lines of having to make sure that gender roles aren't biological and therefore they can get whatever career they desire without a gender bias. 
Liberal Feminism This type of feminism is mainly concerned with gender socialisation in order to show that gender roles are not biologically
determined. The main aim of this type of feminism is to change the ways children are socialised into stereotypical gender
roles and to attempt to change social policy to improve the position of women within the family. 
Marxist-Feminism This feminist approach looks at women’s oppression in relation to capitalism and the class system. One of the aims of
this type of feminism is to look at the role of domestic labour within capitalism, namely that women work in the home for
‘free’, and the role women play in producing the next generation of the labour force.
Black Feminism This approach is primarily concerned with black and Asian women’s experiences of oppression and exploitation. It
combines ideas about capitalism, patriarchy and anti-racism. 
Postmodern Feminism -This type of feminism is associated with third wave feminists. It acknowledges the diversity amongst women and encourages individual women to find feminist ideas that combine with their own experiences of life to create a brand of
feminism suitable for them.

2) Judith Butler had argued that gender isn't biological so therefore she is most likely a Liberal Feminism since they would argue that they are concerned with gender socialisation as Butler believes people should become what they choose to be even if it is a male dominated career. Angela McRobbie would be more of a Post Modern Feminist because she sees that the representation of women as sexually empowering. Although this may be considered a controversial view. I would also see Laura Bates as a Post Modern Feminist since she would also try and make women spread their stories so that then it could highlight what is currently wrong with today's modern day of social media with misogynous posts.

3) Suffragettes- A more violent approach to protesting such as arson
Suffragists- Peaceful way of protesting, such as hunger strikes and votes etc

In my opinion I think that the Suffragettes are a more effective force of change. Although the suffragists are peaceful and this can be respected, it isn't an effective means of spreading the message or to bring light to the situation that feminists have to endure such as back when they had to protest for their right to vote.

4) Mulvey's Male Gaze has been proven with various films objectifying women. This would be because of the fact that the camera takes the perspective of men as they frame women in a more sexual way. This has been evident with Hollywood films which include female characters as well as adverts which may also do this to try and interest their male demograph to stay interested.

5) Kilbourne's view would be that advertising would mainly present the perfect ideal image that women should strive for. Especially considering that advertising is something that would be consumed on a daily basis, there is bound to be one that idealises a woman's figure that would be considered "normal"

6) Naomi Wolf's theory looks into how men are given the opportunity to construct what the ideal woman would look like in their advertising. So therefore this would mean that the appearance of the women seen in the adverts are only social constructs of what would be considered acceptable or presentable for an audience. 

7) The representation of women is considered a controversial topic for feminists because this would show off women as either sexually objectified or empowering. There has been discussion as to whether this would be acceptable and therefore there has been a blurred line between what is considered empowering or not as the way in which music videos that have male music artists tend to be known as patriarchal with their objectification of women. However when women appear to behave in whats considered a sexual manner would be defended as empowerment.

8) In my opinion I think that the way in which artists such as Nicki Minaj and Beyonce consider themselves as empowering women is more like trying to pleasure both sides of the argument. The costumes that they would wear in their music videos wouldn't really be considered appropriate and therefore may put in a sort of unintentional bad influence for younger female audience that may think that it is acceptable to wear what they would wear in their music videos.

9) It can be argued on both sides that New and Digital Media has empowered both sides. This would be because of the fact that with social media being very easy to access, this would then make it easy for both sides to make either feminist or patriarchal views so therefore this binary opposition still continues to this day. However it can be argued that this benefits women and feminism a lot more since they would be able to start online campaigns that can help highlight the issue of sexism and therefore make gender equality more like a reality. 

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