Friday 3 March 2017

Identities and the Media: Feminism

1) The texts that are featured in the article are Pan Am and Beyonce.

2) The Mulvey Gaze would be used in Beyonce with her parodying the 1950s era in the sense that she would wear these sexualized outfits. Although this can relate to the male gaze with her appearance in the music video, this still presents how there has still been that aspect of the music video that some people may criticise. 

3) It can be argued that this is sexism in a different form however the fact that these media texts offer alternate time periods that offer the same male gaze at the time would also mean that there would be no need for feminists since these media texts have women protagonists. In this case they both highlight the preferred reading of their characters on their respected platforms and so therefore this is rather highlighting the flaws of the past and how women tend to be seen as unequal. Even with the lyrics of "Why Don't You Love Me?" with Beyonce exclaiming why her man doesn't love her.

4) Third Wave Feminism - Was a movement that redefined and encouraged women to be dominant and sexually assertive.

Post-Feminism - An ideology in culture and society that society is somehow past needing feminism and that the attitudes and arguments of feminism are no longer needed. 

Paitriarchy - An ideology that places men in a dominant position over women. 

No More Page 3

1) Lucy-Anne Holmes had started the campign. This was because "The Page 3 image was the largest image of a woman in the paper, larger than the image of Jessica Ennis who had just won gold for her country".

2) Page 3 had included a sexualised picture of a woman that had been a 70 year tradition that had been using inappropriate images of women that would be used as a selling point to the male audience of the newspaper. Therefore the biggest picture in the newspaper shouldn't involve inappropriate images of women. As well as that, they see the nudity of women in page 3 to be promoting sexist values and so therefore this page should be removed of the original contents and instead be replaced with something more appropriate. 

3) Susie Boniface has argued that there is no need for the campaign against Page 3 because it is "outdated". This would be because in  the past, this was seen as women empowerment. However later in time the meaning for women to show their bare breasts has later been changed to an offensive representation with people seeing this as objectifying women instead. 

Barbara Ellen on the other hand thinks this is still required because of the fact that this would also be used to combat other places in which women are sexually objectified. 

4) The recent story covered by Sexist News regarded the clothing that Little Mix were wearing. They had seen this as quite revealing in comparison to what clothes people like Ed Sheeran would wear appropriate clothing meanwhile women in the music industry are seen to be wearing some revealing clothing. 

5) The No More Page 3 and the Sexist News can be considered as a part of post-feminism since this campaign is already highlighting what is wrong with the media and its misogynistic views every now and then which would highlight how it has come to a point where women for the most part are getting equal pay and getting into executive jobs which could imply that these campaigns won't be as required as they were in the past.

6) In my opinion, I think that women are still being objectified as they would be sen as wearing revealing clothing, however wearing revealing clothing has blurred the lines of feminism as either the woman is proud to show her body or that the media is still objectifying women. This grey area exists and therefore there should be campaigns that recognise this and try and make sure that women are in  fact treated equally once and for all. 

7) Post-Feminism is an era that we still haven't come to yet because of the fact that there are still campaigns and representations of women that are still being challenged to this day. One of the most recent biggest feminist movements would have to be the Women's March upon President Trump's inauguration. That has highlighted how feminism is still required to try and make sure that women are treated equally because they are trying to fight for women's rights. 

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